Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Short project

          For a short project in class I was in a group of four and the assignment was to create a high school that does not have the same qulities as a real one. This place has to be a great learning and educational environment for the kids, but its not essential for the kids to go to school when they can just go to what there mainly interested in.
         For this project my group decide to create a main building for learning facing the others. There was a performing stage and the roof is decorated with different colors and the shape is mutliple half circles. Theres also a huge field for sports. And coed, all girls all boys dorms with restrooms

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Short project

          On this day we had a short project to make a house with a common area, childrens area, and adult area. I worked in a group of three and we each did seperate parts of the model. I did the floor plan wich was how the biilding would look like and the others did the model.
As shown in the picture our house had two small buildings in the front for the children and adults and the bigger one on the side was the garage. The brown building in the middle was the common area. And the backyard had a house for a dog.


Mains and aztects
Were very respectful
The buildings were great

     The anciant archatects in cenral America were very respectful to all citezens. There temples and pyramids and the combination of both was a wonderfull creation. They were being respectful by adding a side for the dead in there urban planning. And the temples they created were great pyramid of the niches and  Temple with the roof comb chichen itza.
Chichen itza means at the mouth of the itza well. Its a Mayan city. Its one of the most powerful cities. It was built on a limestone platiue

Saturday, May 25, 2013


          A pyramid is a giant religious building and tomb for the dead. The step pyramid of Djoser (2200 B.C.), Great pyramid of Giza (2550 C.E.), Great temple of Ramess II (1250 B.C.), and Temple of Amun Re, Karnak (1300 B.C.) . These are all  great pyramids.
          The step Pyramid of Djoser was a pyramid built for the pharaoh Djoser in Egypt. He was the egytptian king of the old kingdom. He is reffered o as Horus and was known as Djoser in the new kingdom. It was built in the 27th century B.C. It has a hunge courtyard and feligous structures.The first Egyptian pyramid was made up of six mastabas. A mastabas is a flat roofed rectagular structure and usually burried kings in them. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Prehistoric Reamains

           There are manu types of prehistoric reamains in different areas of the world. People have have kept these peices of art and use them to form archatecture and as matirials. Example of these prehistoric remains are monoliths wich is a big rock or stone. Dolmens are big structure of rocks. Tumulutu is a plane platform and a large piece of land. These are object that were used to make architecture and buildings. All buildings use materials.
         The Mesopotamian people were one of the first culture that had a civilization. What they accomplished was urban planning wich is a basic plan  of a developed city. Mesopotamians also developed courtyard houses wich is a type of house, and they also developed ziggurats wich are massive buildings that is part of a temple and step pyramid. It was a religious place and at the top there would be shrines for prayer. Its a tomb for the important people like kings.

          An example of a ziggurat is the white temple of Uruk

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

When we're talking about rhythm and architecture we can compare it to music. In music rhythm is a pattern of beats. It gets boring  if the same thing repeats, so some beats can stand out more than others. For example you can If a window is repeated it wouldn't be as good as having multiple designs. The texture of the building can make it more interesting also. The building can be smooth or rough, Nordvest-kvarteret was a building That was reaping its design and wasn't interesting. Some Buildings show symbolism through its architecture. And its important to show it.
 Bauhaus is a building in Germany that combines lots of architecture elements. Bauhaus literally means house of construction. The Bauhaus became an influential piece of architecture to modern architects  The nazi made the owners leadership to shut down the school. They thought it wasn't right to teach art to students. The bauhaus was a pottery house until Mies van der Rohe changes it into a private school. The function of this building was to teach kids about architecture and art.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

          The sayoyes paid a really good architect named Philip Jhonson to build an artistic looking house for them. After he completed it the sayoyes hated it because they wouldn't be able to live in peace, they wanted to be able to relax in comfort. She didn't want to live in a work of art. She was going to be in her house most of the time, so all she could think of was comfort.
         Anotoles Frances' definition of a critics work is, its ability to be art. Some people make buildings to protect and comfort us while others make some just to look nice. The reason why she chose the architect was because she wanted her house to look beautiful and didn't think of consolation. Alain De Bottom wrote in the Architecture of Happiness, "Even if  we spend the rest of our lives in the villa Roprunda or the glass house we would still often be in a bad mood." Its hard to combine art and comfort.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

          Color is used in light witch is whats setts of the feeling. There are warm and cool colors and cool colors. Thees also plane white witch is neutral and gives of no emotion. Warm colors make the building pop out to and it feels like its coming to you. Cool colors do the opposite and it feels like the wall is further away. The primary colors are red blue and yellow witch make the person feel differently. Color is good because it makes a building look good.
          Today I learned that archatecture have a colraltion with eachother. Light has four elemants place, form, space, and meaning. The place of the building is important based on what side of the sun your on. Form can create shadows because of the different shapes. Space can make different shapes bend the light. Meaning helps decide what size of glass and the main purpose for the light. The light can be used in many ways.
          Place is an element of light that can be used when the person wants the same buiding in a different place to create a different feeling because of the environment. Space can be used to reflect the light of other objects and make th whole building shine. Form is used to make shapes and objects to make shadows and make the light dark or bright or not. Meaning gives the feeling of the buiding to show how they made it. Light can be used any way you want to express emotions.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

          The three element used to make a building are called utilitas, veritas, and firmitas. They are used to complete the building, to have a good use in the environment and to help the surroundings. Firmitas is The firmness in the building, Utilitas is the main purpose and function of the building. Veritas is the beuty in the building to make it looks nice. Marcus Vitruvius was the architect who created the three principles.
          There is space and form witch are the two types of space. Form has a sculptural, structural, and superficial. Space has static and dynamic. Structural is a building, superficial is plane and surfaces,, sculptural has shapes and weird forms. Static is space that is personal and dynamic is the opposite  You can combine all these ideas to make something great.

Friday, January 11, 2013

          Hi my name is Jose and what ive learned in architecture so fare is that its important for the buildings to help people and there surroundings. Architecture is a way of art. Its a differe nt language to express someones feelings. When someone builds a house for them and there family its something they can call there own. Architects  show the detail and meaning of there construction. In a building its to recognize the meaning, but its an inner thought that can impact people in a strong way. For example the Romans built a convention building in about the 1920s witch changed the perspective of people on architects. This showed they put lots of thought into making buildings.
           There are important elements that are used to make a good building. Some are  rythm, scale, and proportion. There used used to make sure that the buildind is secure for the environemnet. Also to make sure it has function. Function is the main purpose of the building.