Saturday, May 25, 2013


          A pyramid is a giant religious building and tomb for the dead. The step pyramid of Djoser (2200 B.C.), Great pyramid of Giza (2550 C.E.), Great temple of Ramess II (1250 B.C.), and Temple of Amun Re, Karnak (1300 B.C.) . These are all  great pyramids.
          The step Pyramid of Djoser was a pyramid built for the pharaoh Djoser in Egypt. He was the egytptian king of the old kingdom. He is reffered o as Horus and was known as Djoser in the new kingdom. It was built in the 27th century B.C. It has a hunge courtyard and feligous structures.The first Egyptian pyramid was made up of six mastabas. A mastabas is a flat roofed rectagular structure and usually burried kings in them. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Prehistoric Reamains

           There are manu types of prehistoric reamains in different areas of the world. People have have kept these peices of art and use them to form archatecture and as matirials. Example of these prehistoric remains are monoliths wich is a big rock or stone. Dolmens are big structure of rocks. Tumulutu is a plane platform and a large piece of land. These are object that were used to make architecture and buildings. All buildings use materials.
         The Mesopotamian people were one of the first culture that had a civilization. What they accomplished was urban planning wich is a basic plan  of a developed city. Mesopotamians also developed courtyard houses wich is a type of house, and they also developed ziggurats wich are massive buildings that is part of a temple and step pyramid. It was a religious place and at the top there would be shrines for prayer. Its a tomb for the important people like kings.

          An example of a ziggurat is the white temple of Uruk